Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Covid-19! A Laboratory Leak?!

Arunabh Chakravorty

Okay, we have been through this virus for almost 550 days and still, we don’t know a simple answer to a question. What is the origin of the virus which causes COVID-19?

“Bat to Pangolin to Human” Theory is just a Hypothesis, not a Fact!

If you ask it to an average person, he/she might answer with the Animal to Intermediate Animal to Human Theory. The Theory goes as such:- The virus was within a Bat which had a wonderful meeting with a Pangolin, and the Pangolin was sold in the Wuhan Wet Market(which is notoriously known for selling exotic animals) and a human might have eaten the pangolin and caught the virus. But many people don’t know it is just a hypothesis, it is not a FACT! Like the hypothesis just became common knowledge among people. But there is not enough evidence that shows it came from the market. There are not even Pangolins in the market! Even more so, the first COVID case didn’t have any link with the Wet Market!  After this, the Chinese CDC itself debunked this “Wet Market” hypothesis(partially). They just claimed Wuhan was the epicentre.

The Only Reason People believed it as a fact is not that the government tried to hide it or something but because in the past that’s how pandemic spread, it spread from animal to person. But wait, there is also this Russian Flu in 1977 which technically spilt due to a “Lab Accident” which took thousands of lives.

So “Lab Leak” theory is another hypothesis just like the “Spillover/Wet Market” hypothesis and I discuss it briefly below.

What is the“Lab Leak Theory”?

So, basically, if we take our eye away from the “Wuhan Wet Market”, around a mile away there is a lab named “Wuhan Institute of Virology”. They do this research named “Gain of Function”. Here they take samples of many Coronaviruses to engineer them to become “more infectious to humans”. You get it,” more infectious to humans”. They do it so in the future if the virus circulates in the environment, they have enough intel about the virus. They go around the bat caves in Southern China(where COVID-19’s sister SARS broke out)There are only three such laboratories(2 in the USA, 1 in Wuhan, China) who does such research and many scientists think it is too risky. There are thousands of samples sitting in the freezer and viruses engineered to be “more infectious to humans”. In 2018, the US Ambassador in Beijing did an investigation with different scientists around the world about the Wuhan Lab and found something very disturbing about the lab. They stated it has inadequate invigilators and scientists and other issues. They sent two accounts to Washington D.C but both of them were never answered.

China playing Defensive

In terms of investigation, China is playing Defensive. When Australia wanted a transparent investigation about the origin of COVID-19, China instead raged a Trade War by putting sanctions on Australian Products like wine, beer etc. In Fact, many intel is heavily dependent on Security Intelligences and Spies. In fact, much intel suggests that some researchers might be getting sick as early as November 2019. Now, WHO has sent a medical team to research more about it. WHO is saying the “Lab Leak Theory is still “on the table”

Arunabh Chakravorty


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